Services in termtime

You're always welcome to attend Chapel services, whether you're a student, Fellow or visitor, whatever your beliefs.

Michaelmas Term 2024 

Full details of chapel services, preachers and other special events can be found on the current music list and the Michaelmas Term Card. The orders of service we use can be viewed by clicking on the links in the table below.

Sunday Eucharist is followed by a free brunch for those who attend in the College Bar. Sunday Evensong is followed by drinks in the Senior Combination Room to which all are welcome.

Three services a week are sung by the College choir.

Day Service Time
Sunday Eucharist 
Choral Evensong and Sermon
Monday  Morning Prayer  8.15am
Tuesday Morning Prayer
Choral Evensong 
Wednesday Morning Prayer 8.15am
Thursday Morning Prayer
Choral Eucharist
Friday  Silent Prayer  8.15am

Requests for prayer may be made directly to the Dean; or written in the intercessions book in the Dean’s stall at the East (altar) end of the Chapel.

Common Worship and the Book of Common Prayer 1662 (& 1928) are the forms of service used.  All who usually receive the sacrament are welcome to receive it here, whether Anglican or not. Anyone who does not wish to take communion can come to the altar for a blessing. Members of College customarily wear gowns at evening services.


DDD is open to all current Caians, an opportunity to eat, drink, and listen or talk about stuff that matters. Student-led discussions and topic suggestions are most welcome. Past topics have included; immigration, medical ethics, local government, the English law of murder, meaning and music, Father Ted, the point of cathedrals, serial killers, sex and gender, atheism. 

Thu 7 Nov
Faith in something? Or nothing? About belief
The Dean

Thu 14 Nov    
Assisted conception: self-evident good or dangerous arrogance?
Dr John Latimer

DDD will take place in the Junior Parlour after second Hall (c. 8.30pm).