Meet our London Outreach Officer

Gwyneth HamandMy name is Gwyneth Hamand, and I am the London Outreach Officer for  Gonville & Caius College. I work with schools and colleges in Newham, Waltham Forest, Barnet, Bromley, Bexley, Greenwich and Lewisham to encourage talented students from diverse backgrounds to consider Cambridge and other competitive universities. I live in Newham and with work closely with the Admissions & Outreach Tutor, Dr Chris Scott and the Schools Liaison Officer to develop and evaluate our outreach London provision that aims to offer practical support and guidance to London students on their progression journey.

I have a background as a physics teacher and manager in post sixteen education, working in colleges in east London as well as working on widening access projects in higher education. Most recently I have worked for Enfield Local Authority as science advisor, school improvement advisor and in the 14-19 team supporting progression of young people to higher education and high skilled work.

The experiences of working with London schools, teachers and young people have enabled me to develop an understanding of what young people need to make well informed progression decisions and the skills and knowledge they need to progress to competitive university provision such as Cambridge University. To this end I am developing borough-level engagement programmes for all state schools and colleges in the Caius London link boroughs.

In addition to this provision I can contribute to school and college provision by running workshops for young people, teachers and families. These could include: applying to universities in general, the Cambridge application process, preparing for interviews, higher education finance etc. If you would like a copy of the programme for your borough, request a workshop for your students or to make a suggestion please do contact me via the contact details below. I am keen to develop provision that meets the needs of all young people with the potential to progress to Cambridge and recognise that relationships with schools and colleges in our London link areas are central to this. I am particularly eager to hear from schools and colleges who we have never had contact with before, so please do get in touch!

For any enquiries or to get in touch please email