Dr Vedran Sulovsky

  • College positions:
    Saunders Research Fellow
  • Subjects: History


BA in History and Art History (University of Rijeka, Croatia)

MA in Comparative Medieval History (Central European University [CEU], Hungary)

PhD in History (Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge)

Research interests

Medieval history of Europe, with a special focus on the rise and fall of the Franks, and the long memory of their existence in later medieval Europe. The reception of classical Antiquity in the Middle Ages through politics, rhetoric and visual arts.

Teaching Interests

Medieval European History (300 – 1450), especially the High Middle Ages (c. 1000 – c. 1250); history of classical reception; history of medieval Latin; Early and High Medieval art history (c. 750 – c. 1250). I have taught paper 14 (High and Late Middle Ages) from the History Department.


The Barbarossaleuchter and Frederick Barbarossa’s Easter Court of 1174 to be published in the conference proceedings Political Liturgies in the European Middle Ages – 2021 (projected)

An Overlooked Legacy of Ernst H. Kantorowicz, eds. Paweł Figurski, Pieter Byttebier and Johanna Dale (Brepols Medieval and Early Modern Political Theology Series) – 2021 (projected)

Sacrum imperium: Italian Influence and the Sacralisation of the State in the mid-Twelfth Century (1125 – 1167), accepted by the journal German History – forthcoming in 2021

Die Königsgalerie am Karlsschrein in Aachen in the journal Zeitschrift des Aachener Geschichtsvereins 121 – 2021

The concept of “sacrum imperium” in historical scholarship in History Compass 17, 8 – 2019

Conference article German, Roman and Frankish: the national narratives of the early Hohenstaufen era (1138–1190) and their Influence on high Politics in Nazii i etnichnost v gumanitarnih naukax. Etnicheskie, protonazionalnie i nazionalnie narrativi: formirovanie i representazija, ed. A. H. Daudov, S. E. Fyodorov (Saint-Petersburg: Aletheia, 2017), 40-48 – 2017

The Franks in the Ideology of the Early Frederick Barbarossa (1152 – 1158) in Tabula 14 (Proceedings from the Conference “Past, Present, Future: Identity in Flux”) (2016), 43-60 – 2016

At the Crossroads between Personal Piety and Imperial Ideology: The Cappenberg Head and Frederick Barbarossa in Annual of Medieval Studies at CEU 22 (2016), 34-48 – 2016

Other interests

Languages and historical linguistics, world music