Introducing the 2021-22 MCR Committee

  • 15 February 2021
  • 1 minute

The graduate community has elected the MCR Committee for 2021-22, with Saba Shirvani named MCR President.

MCR Vice-President is Ayat Abdurahman, and the 13-person committee speaks an impressive total of 17 languages. The outgoing MCR President is Marion Perrin, and the outgoing Vice-President is Jessica Corry.

Saba is a PhD student in the 7T MRI Physics group at the Wolfson Brain Imaging Centre, while Ayat is a PhD student in the Memory Laboratory group in the Department of Psychology.

The College would like to thank the outgoing committee, and welcome the new MCR committee:

Saba Shirvani (MCR President), Ayat Abdurahman (MCR Vice-President), Anthony Bridgen (MCR Treasurer and LGBT Officer), Benson Chen (MCR Secretary), Arshad Haider (MCR Male Welfare), Anthony Lim (MCR Male Welfare and Computing Officer), Liana Hardy (MCR Female Welfare), Alice Knapton (MCR Sports Officer), David Posner (MCR BME Officer), Maria Li (MCR International Officer and Freshers rep), Heqing Huang (MCR Housing and Sustainability), Emer Jones (MCR MCR/SCR rep), Andrew Boardman (MCR Dining Officer).

The MCR Committee
