Almost one in four Caius applicants receive Cambridge offer
- 30 January 2025
- 2 minutes
Nearly one in four students who applied to Gonville & Caius has received an offer for undergraduate study at the University of Cambridge today, the College is delighted to announce.
Of the 1206 applicants to Caius, 23.5% received an offer from a Cambridge college, with Caius making 203 direct offers, and 81 Caius applicants selected for another college through the winter pool.
State-educated students make up over 80% of offers to UK-based students for undergraduate entry at Caius in October 2025, in offers made on Thursday. Offer holders were selected on the basis of academic potential, irrespective of background. A range of academic and contextual factors, plus interviews, were part of the process.
Dr Chris Scott, Caius Tutor for Admissions and Outreach, said: “I'm very proud to say that, for the first time in Caius's history, over 80% of our UK offer-holders are coming from the state sector. I'm pleased that 2025 will see the make-up of our student body move closer to representing the diversity of post-16 education in the UK.
“We're delighted at Caius that, once again, so many talented applicants from all over the UK and the rest of the world chose us as their preference college last October.
“We would like to send our congratulations to all Caius applicants receiving a Cambridge offer today. A Cambridge offer is a massive achievement and one of which you should be immensely proud.
“Best of luck to all of you with your summer exams, and we look forward to welcoming many new Caius students in October.”
Caius has made 222 offers for 2025 entry, with a further five offers expected to come through the Foundation Year (Foundation year figures are not included in the statistics below).
Of these 222, one was carried over from the 2024 admissions round, and 18 were made to applicants who had originally applied to other colleges, through the Winter Pool process.
2025 Offer-holder statistics:
53.2% of offers have been made to female applicants and 46.8% to male applicants.
86.9% of offers have been made to home applicants and 13.1% to applicants from overseas.
Of our home offers:
82.0% have been made to applicants from the state sector
37.6% have been made to applicants with at least one indicator of disadvantage
21.1% have been made to applicants whose home addresses lie in the bottom two quintiles of the Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD)
3.6% have been made to applicants whose home addresses lie in the bottom quintile for progression to higher education (POLAR4)
14.9% have been made to applicants whose home addresses lie in the bottom two quintiles for progression to higher education (POLAR4)
7.7% have been made to applicants eligible for Free School Meals (FSM)