The Barclay-Smith Scholarship

The Barclay-Smith Scholarship pays all fees and maintenance for an undergraduate student, with preference being given to candidates from Malawi.

Candidates should apply to Caius in the normal way. No separate application for the scholarship is needed and all eligible candidates who are admitted to Caius will be considered for the scholarship. Two past scholars reflected on their experience in 2021.


Walinase ChinulaI studied for a BA in Law at Caius from 2014 to 2018 under the Barclay-Smith scholarship. This scholarship stood out to me because, as far as I was aware, it was the only Cambridge scholarship that explicitly gave preference to undergraduate candidates from Malawi. My time at Caius was sensational, and the College was extremely supportive – even extending my scholarship to facilitate my year abroad under the Erasmus Exchange Programme. After my graduation, I returned to Malawi and became a qualified legal practitioner. I now work at one of the country’s top law firms as a corporate lawyer. The Barclay-Smith scholarship helped me become a qualified professional and gave me access to valuable career contacts and networks.

Walinase Chinula (Law 2014)



Omba KumwendaThe Barclay-Smith scholarship was my main motivation to apply to Caius. One of the favourite things about my time at Caius was dining in hall regularly with friends, and the social sports clubs who welcomed anyone – regardless of their sports background or ability. With the Barclay-Smith scholarship, I was able to continue my studies and obtain a master’s degree at Caius. The maintenance support allowed me to focus all my attention on graduate jobs and visa applications after graduation. The scholarship also paid for flights to visit my family back in Malawi before returning to England for full time employment.

Omba Kumwenda (Chemical Engineering 2012)